Vidriería abril

It was founded on July 7, 1993. It started as a small proposal or alternative, appearing timidly within the established trade, where strength, constancy and perseverance helped us to gradually gain a place among the customers who from the At first they showed us their good reception and good omens for our dear glassware.

Así nació vidriería, enmarcaciones, aluminios, sala de arte y productos para artistas “España”. Posteriormente, y gracias al apoyo de nuestros clientes, logramos visualizar agrandarnos y complementar con enmarcaciones y aluminios.


Vidriería Abril

It was founded on July 7, 1993. It started as a small proposal or alternative, appearing timidly within the established trade, where strength, constancy and perseverance helped us to gradually gain a place among the customers who from the At first they showed us their good reception and good omens for our dear glassware.

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About us

Vidriería Abril and art room "Mexican Glassware", its mission is to open a space in service, quality and customer service with a futuristic and attractive look of the services we offer.

Within the range of products offered we highlight glass, aluminum windows, frames, products for artists such as: oils, watercolors, acrylics, thinners, cloth brushes, etc. In addition to works of art, making this company a global and attractive option of the item.


Through its art room, the company puts at the disposal of its clients the possibility of acquiring original works of art of important exponents of regional, national and international plastic arts. Through its marquetry offers a wide range of moldings that allows its clients to choose between several types of frames, advising in such a way that the client is satisfied with their work through a warm and personalized attention.In this way, glass frames and art room "Mexican Glassware" is a support to the development of art and culture in the Region of the Rivers, contributing to the harmony of the environment and enabling the creation of cozy places, both indoors and Outside.